Site Designer Goals
- Provide an integrated look and feel for site content.
- XXX Create new skin for the site
- portal_skins Properties tab. Discussion of Layers and their
order of precedence.
- Creating a new layer. Difference between file system layers
vs TTW layers. Don't document actually creating a file system
layer, this should likely be a separate use case that
refers back to this one.
- The theory behind customizing methods, but don't refer to
specific layers or specific methods/images.
- XXX Modify skin appearance
- Brief description of customizing methods. Refer back to
"Create new skin for the site".
- Document each layer that deals with appearance with a
description of each constituent object (method, image, ...)
- Give end users an effective way to navigate the site.
- XXX Change skin behavior
- Brief description of customizing methods. Refer back to
"Create new skin for the site description".
- Document each layer that deals with behavior with a
description of each method.
- Keep the site fresh and interesting for end users.