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So we've seen that thesightings.html
page is built from objects
in the sightingsFolder
folder. How does it work?
template to edit it.<html> <h1 tal:content="template/title">title</h1> <table border="1"> <tr tal:repeat="sighting container/sightingsFolder/objectValues"> <td tal:content="structure sighting"> Sighting goes here </td> </tr> </table> </html>
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tab.Notice how each sighting now has a box drawn around it.
What's going on? The tal:repeat statement iterates over a list of
sightings. The list is defined by the expression
. The expression calls the
method of the sightingsFolder
folder. It returns
all the objects contained by a folder.
Notice the sighting
part of the repeat statement. It is a local
variable that takes the value of each object in the list in
turn. This variable is used by the the tal:content statement to
insert the contents of each file object inside the table.
You can programmatically build web pages with groups of objects by looping over them and inserting them.
method.In the next lesson you'll learn about how to manage and display pictures.